Afrique Nouvelle Musique presents Gabriel Osson accompanied by Dieufaite Charles in virtual concert on Sunday December 19, 2021 at 8 p.m.
The first snowflakes are long overdue, and the excitement of young and old is already rising, rising … The end of December is approaching, and Christmas will be an unforgettable celebration this year again!
And for good reason: we invite you to come and spend this evening with the family, and to rediscover the smell of fir trees and hot chocolate while waiting for Santa Claus, with the sung poems of Gabriel.
We look forward to seeing you on our Africa New Music YouTube channel this December 19 at 8 p.m.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to stay informed about our activities.
Gabriel Osson is an amazing poet. He was our featured artist this fall and you can find out more about him here.